One-scan checkout saves time
- Link payments directly to merchants' loyalty programmes
- All functions of the checkout process are combined in one step: Identification as a regular customer, redeeming vouchers and the payment process.
- Simpler one-scan checkout process, saving customers time
The initial situation
Mobile payment is a growth market. The younger, digitally oriented target group in particular is important for banks - and not only from an economic point of view. It also has a great influence on the development of this market. Therefore, Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the largest Italian credit institutions, has to act quickly and increase its market share by means of new customer experiences.
The key to successful business
Looking at various survey results, usability and opportunities to save money are cited as decisive factors for paying with the smartphone. So being able to redeem rewards and pay at the same time are huge incentives.
Providing the necessary added value
Because things always have to move quickly at the cash register, payments made with the Intesa Sanpaolo Wallet are to be linked directly to merchants' loyalty programmes. For this purpose, digital customer loyalty programmes will be integrated into the Wallet. On the other hand, all functions of the checkout process, i.e. identification as a regular customer, redeeming vouchers and the payment process, are to be combined and handled with just one scan of the QR code from the customer's smartphone. The one-scan checkout thus leads to a faster checkout process.

Valuable input
By integrating the SDK into the Intesa Sanpaolo Wallet, mobile-pocket has realised a prototype. This allows stakeholders such as board members and customers to interactively test and experience the future customer journey. During the implementation, both the use of different payment systems and different use cases were taken into account. For example, payment with and without the use of a customer loyalty card, the redemption of one or more vouchers, etc.